The University of Tsukuba Library adopts the open stack system, so you are free to browse most of the library materials.
Please return the material to the shelf when you have finished browsing.
Checking Material Location Online
Materials within University of Tsukuba can be searched on Tulips Search and OPAC.
The search result will include markers for finding the material (= call number and material format) and location (= floor map).
Floor map and arrangement of materials of each library→Access
Using your library materials rooms for major→List of Library Materials Rooms for Major (PDF:186KB, in Japanese)
Arrangement of Library Materials
Library materials are in the order of call numbers on the spine or the cover of the book→Classification of Library Materials
The order of call number…ascending numbers/alphabetical order (Tokyo University of Education Ex-Library Collection are in kana character order)
Arrangement Order in the Stacks