Before You Apply
- Do you have an Budget Registration Code(BRC)? If you do not have one, apply by referring to "Registering budgets (Individual budget)".
- If you are going to apply for an BRC, this service will be available when you obtain the code, so no need to proceed from this page.
- Group budgets are processed differently from individual budgets, and you cannot apply for web service use from this page
- If you apply for an BRC of Grant in Aid for Scientific Research, service use will be temporarily suspended at the end of December. Even for continuous projects, make the arrangements for use in the next fiscal year.
- Reissue password for BRCs
- Link settings (new/edit) for "the main BRC" automatically called up when using the web service. (Started from March 25, 2010)
- Web service application for those who registered their BRCs prior to March 2006.
To apply for the above (edit registered information), enter your library user ID and password. The application screen will appear after confirmation.
The application will be processed after being checked by the library.
The password will be reissued via e-mail.