Making Room Reservations

Booking Seminar Rooms/Study Cubicles

Reserving Online

You can check room availability, make reservations, or cancel reservations from your home or the library PCs, and your smartphone.

  • Back to the top page of our library.
  • Log in to "My Library".
  • Click "Reserve cubicles and seminar rooms at libraries" in the "Message" category.
  • Please make a reservation from "Vacant facility search" or "Search from list/schedule (today)".
  • You can change your email address in My Library.

On the Day of Use...

To those who made the room reservation: come to the main counter with your library card → We will give you the room key, etc.

What Is a Seminar Room?

Rooms are available for group studies using library materials.

  • Eligible users: People affiliated with the University of Tsukuba (2 or more).
  • Usage limitations: up to three hours, once a day per group.
  • Reservation: from 0:00 AM, one week before the day of use.

★If faculty members wish to use the seminar room for classes, please ask at the main counter.

What Is a Study Cubicle?

Small rooms are available for studying on your own, using library materials. (Only at the Central Library, Art and Physical Education Library, and Medical Library.)

  • Eligible users: University of Tsukuba graduate students, non-degree research students (Kenkyusei), faculty members, and professor emeritus.
  • Usage limitations: one cubicle per person, no time limit.
  • Reservation: from 0:00 AM on the day of use.