Making Room Reservations

Use of Exhibition space

Presentation Area on Central Library (the 2nd floor of the main building)

We support intellectual practices and intercommunication of students.
For exhibition in the presentation area, you need an application well in advance.


Exhibit contents


Exhibit on learning or research activities mainly made by students of this university

  1. About results of learning and research
  2. Others along the purpose of establishment

* Except for that has a disadvantage for other users, noisy or other reason

PeriodAbout for a week - for a month
* The schedule is settled on a first-come-first-served basis.

Flow of exhibit

Exhibit plan form(in Japanese language) (Microsoft Excel: 47KB)

6 - 1 month before exhibitPlease submit an exhibition plan to the library.
(We have confirmation and consultation about contents if we need)
The library issues a certificate of exhibition.
By the day beforeLibrary staff members have a meeting with you about equipments and preparation.
By the dayThe exhibition group prepares in the area.
The final dayThe exhibition group pulls out their exhibition.

Application / Contact

  • Learning support working group / Planning and Public Relations section
    E-mail: tkikaku #at#
    Or please call "Planning and Public Relations section" at main counter of Central Library between 9:00-17:00 weekdays.
    (Please contact with e-mail as possible, because the staff may be absent.)





9W86.5cm H131.5cm (total height 160cm)
A0 OK, both sides magnet OK
Cork board

2W93cm H141.5cm (cork surface: W87cm H101cm, total height 148.5cm)
both sides available, cork surface: pushpin OK, magnet NG
Can also be used as a book display shelf by attaching up to 10 pieces of metal fittings (PDF)
Book display shelf

Detail (PDF)
1W93cm H149cm

Triangle pole

1W90cm H161cm
all surface magnet OK
Movable tables, chairsas necessary