Photocopying Library Material

Locations of Photocopy Machines and Money Changers at the Art and Physical Education Library

Photocopy Machines

FloorTypeNo. of MachinesPaper Cassettes(*1)Functions(*2)
1FUniv. expense1A3 B4 A4 B5Color, two-sided
Private expense1A3 B4 A4 B5Color, two-sided, bills
2FPrivate expense1A3 B4 A4 B5Color, two-sided, bills
Private expense1A3 B4 A4 B5Color, two-sided, printer

(*1)Paper size: for sizes not listed, printing may be available through manual paper feed


  • Color: color copying
  • Two-sided: can copy on both sides
  • Printer: can print from library PCs (paid service)
  • Bills: accepts Coins and bills(\1,000)


Money Changer

2FExchange ¥1,000 bill into ¥500 coins