

We support various exhibitions about intellectual practices and intercommunication of students.
*For the application for an exhibition in the Gallery zone [Central Library], please refer to the link below.
  Home › Services (Library Guide) › Using PCs | Making Room Reservations › Use of Exhibition space
*For the application for an exhibition in libraries other than Central (ex. "Eureka!" in A&PE) , please contact the counters.
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★Information for the rare book exhibition room in Central library
Home › Support › Exhibition/Events › Permanent Exhibitions
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Current Exhibitions

中央 "Ask LA about student life - University of Tsukuba Start Dash." (Revival)2024/07/17-2024/09/02
中央 University of Tsukuba Photo Club summer exhibition 2024/07/06-2024/07/25
体芸 マスキングアート 2023/3/28-2024/3/31(延長中) (協力)上浦佑太構成研究室

Coming Soon

Past Exhibitions

R6 (April 2024-March 2025)

中央 Mini-exhibition Picturing the Mind ~collaboration of science, philosophy, and art~ (Poster) 2024/06/28-2024/07/15
中央 PRIDE at Tsukuba ~Petit Library~ 2024/06/03-2024/06/21
中央 "Ask LA about student life - University of Tsukuba Start Dash." 2024/05/08-2024/05/28
中央 そぽたん展 2024/05/13-2024/05/17
中央 筑波大学写真部 新歓展 2024/4/5-2024/5/6
中央 図画団新歓展示 2024/4/5-2024/5/5
体芸 図画団新歓祭展示 2024/4/6-2024/5/5

R5 (April 2023-March 2024)

体芸 「東京2016オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会開催に向けた招致活動」展(展示ケース内)2023/3/31-2024/3/31 
図情 「東海道五十三次から読み解く江戸のくらし」図書館情報メディア系綿抜研究室・時井研究室企画展示 2023/11/3-2024/3/27
中央 International Women's Day Fair 2024/03/04-2024/03/22
中央 Research and Development Office of the Library's Poster Exhibition 2024/03/04-2024/03/19
中央 Sexual minorities' photo exhibition "OUT IN JAPAN at University of Tsukuba" 2024/01/16-2024/01/31
中央 Open Access Week 2023 2023/10/23-2023/10/30
中央 LA企画展示「学生サポートデスクで働くラーニング・アドバイザーを知ろう!!」 2023/06/05-2023/08/31
中央 University of Tsukuba Photo Club summer exhibition 2023/07/08-2023/07/31
中央 プライドマンス 推薦図書フェア 2023/05/22-2023/06/02
中央 Zugadan welcome art exhibition 2023/04/12-2023/05/07
体芸 図画団春の展示会 2023/4/12-2023/5/6
中央 "Watching, Feeling, and Drawing Nature: Sketches and the Life of Masahiro Aoyanagi" 2023/4/10-2023/5/31
体芸 筑波大学写真部春の展示会 2023/4/5-2023/5/31

R4 (April 2022-March 2023)

中央 University Laboratory Schools' Poster Exhibition 2023/02/22-2023/03/24
中央 Sexual minorities' photo exhibition "OUT IN JAPAN at University of Tsukuba" 2023/01/10-2023/01/24
中央 Open Access Week 2022 2022/10/24-2021/10/31
体芸 Tokyo 2020 official art posters 2022/07/11-2022/12/16
図情 わたしの大切な書物~蔵書票の視点から歴史に触れる~ 2022/07/11-2022/11/25
中央 Rookies' photo exhibition (University of Tsukuba Photo Club) 2022/06/21-2022/07/12
中央 Adventure with LA -Learning Adventure2022- 2022/04/18-2022/06/03
中央 University of Tsukuba Photo Club welcome exhibition 2022 2022/04/06-2022/04/26
中央,体芸 Zugadan welcome art exhibition 2022/04/05-2022/05/05

R3 (April 2021-March 2022)

中央 Research and Development Office of the Library's Poster Exhibition 2022/03/07-2022/03/31
中央 University Laboratory Schools' Poster Exhibition 2022/02/01-2022/03/25
中央 Sexual minorities' photo exhibition "OUT IN JAPAN at University of Tsukuba" 2021/12/13-2021/12/24
中央 Open Access Week 2021 2021/10/25-2021/11/1
中央 Effect of COVID-19 on sustainable environment and people's life (ECHO) 2021/10/04-2021/10/29
中央 "Enlightenment about Hansen disease by photographs of the activities of namaste! (WORK CAMP for Hansen disease problems in India and Japan)" exhibition 2021/08/16-2021/09/17
中央 Rookies' photo exhibition (University of Tsukuba Photo Club) 2021/06/18-2021/07/02
中央 Adventure with LA -Learning Adventure- 2021/06/01-2021/07/30
中央 Zugadan welcome art exhibition 2021/04/05-2021/05/05
中央 University of Tsukuba Photo Club Welcome Exhibition 2021/04/05-2021/05/05
中央 Ten years since the earthquake -SHOKU-SAKE×Tsukuba for 3.11 collaboration project- 2021/04/01-2021/04/30

R2 (April 2020-March 2021)

中央 Research and Development Office of the Library's Poster Exhibition 2021/03/01-2021/03/26
図情 小松市立博物館・図書館情報メディア系共催「能順と連歌」(電子展示あり)  2021/1/22-2021/3/14
中央 Sexual minorities' photo exhibition "OUT IN JAPAN at University of Tsukuba" 2021/1/25-2021/1/29
中央 University Laboratory Schools' Poster Exhibition 2020/11/02-2020/11/20
中央 Open Access Week 2020 2020/10/19-2020/10/26
中央 Zugadan welcome art exhibition 2020/05/07-2020/05/24 (Canceled)
中央 Sho-calligraphy welcome exhibition (University of Tsukuba Shodo Club) 2020/05/07-2020/05/24 (Canceled)

H31-R1 (April 2019-March 2020) *Click for more information

H30 (April 2018-March 2019) *Click for more information

H29 (April 2017-March 2018) *Click for more information

H28 (April 2016-March 2017) *Click for more information

~H27 (~March 2016) *Click for more information