Central Library

Central Library Floor Map / Arrangement of Library Materials

The Central Library has five floors, and is divided into a Main building and an Annex. The entrance is on 2F.

Floor Map(PDF 429KB)

  • 5F: Natural Science books & journals
  • 4F: Social Science books & journals
  • 3F: Humanities books & journal
  • 2F: Newly arrived books, periodicals and newspapers, University-related materials, AV materials, Course reserve books, etc.
  • 1F: Tokyo University of Education ex-library collection, Historic materials, etc.

Arrangement of Books

For the arrangement of library materials, click on “Location” in the collection search result detail screen.
* If the classification code is [Z + two-digit number], ignore the Z and use the two-digit number to determine the classification.
Example:For “Z46-A,” after ignoring the Z, the first character is “4”, indicating the fifth floor of the Main building. It will be located at the beginning of the 460 series.

General Books, Reference Books

First character of the classificationSubject / ContentLocation
0General works3F of the main bldg.
"007"Information sciences5F of the main bldg.
1Philosophy3F of the main bldg.
2General history
"211-219"Japanese regional history3F of the annex
3Social sciences4F of the main bldg.
4Natural sciences5F of the main bldg.
5Technology, Engineering
6Industry4F of the main bldg.
7The arts3F of the main bldg.
Kana character or alphabetTokyo University of Education ex-library collection1F of the main bldg., Mezzanine

Other Library Materials

Be aware that the following library materials are stored in a different location than the general and reference books, regardless of the classification.

Univ. of Tsukuba thesis4F of the annex
Japanese archaeological reports3F of the annex
Historic materials1F of the annex: Ask at the Section of Historic materials
See: Historic Materials
University-related materialsUniversity-Related Material Room on 2F
AV materials2F of the main bldg.
See: Audio-visual Materials and Microforms
Electronic resources (CD-ROM・DVD-ROM, materials accompanying journals)2F of the main bldg. : Ask at the reference desk
See: CD-ROM/DVD-ROM (in Japanese)
Microforms2F of the main bldg. : Ask at the main counter 
See:Audio-visual Materials and Microforms

Arrangement for Periodicals

In the Central Library, periodicals are broadly classified according to subject.
Please note that periodicals are bound from the autumn through the end of the fiscal year, and cannot be used during the binding process. (The binding status can be checked by clicking on “View back numbers” on the collection search result detail screen.)

FieldclassificationSubjectNew arrivalsIn and after 1970In and before 1969
General works,
Human sciences
A2Weekly and graphic magazines, etc.2F of the main bldg.(Only recent years saved)
AMultidiscipline, Journalism, Libraries, Domestic arts3F of the annex1F of the main bldg.
BPhilosophy, Ethics, Religion
CGeneral history, Biography, Customs, Ethnology
DOriental studies
EThe arts, Sports, Amusements
FLanguage, Literature
Y-3Abstracts, Indexes
Social sciencesGSocial sciences, Political science, Law, Military science4F of the annex
HEconomics, Public finance, Commerce
IIndustry and Commerce, Agriculture and Fishing industry, Transportation services, Communication services
KEducation, Psychology
MaEC periodicals
MbFAO periodicals
McOECD periodicals
MdUN periodicals
Y-4Abstracts, Indexes
Natural sciencesNNatural sciences5F of the main bldg.
RAstronomy, Earth sciences (Including human geography)
SBiology, Zoology, Botany
TMedical sciences, Pharmaceutics
VElectrical engineering, Information engineering
OthersX-1University bulletins (by university)1F of the main bldg.
X-2Government agency publications (by agency)5F of the main bldg.
X-3Prefecture publications (by prefecture)
X-4General donated periodicals
 University-related materialUniversity-Related Material Room

Arrangement of Newspapers

Only the base sections of the latest edition (current day) of each paper are placed next to the elevators on the second floor of the Main building.
Other papers are located on the first floor of the Main building.

The archival period of the base sections differs depending on the newspaper; generally, the most recent editions from the past three months to one year are retained. Major newspapers can be checked from the List of Major Newspaper Holdings at the Library (in Japanese).
Please note that reprint editions are divided among three separate locations; next to the elevators on the first floor of the Main building, against the wall immediately after entering the first floor of the Main building, and on the wall rack for reduced-size editions.

Recent issuesBack issues
2F of the main bldg.1F of the main bldg.