Art and Physical Education Library

Art and Physical Education Library Floor Map

Floor Map

Art and Physical Education Library Floor Plan (PDF/788KB)

★360°VR Panoramas★

  • Please ask at the main counter to view the following library materials.
    Old books with traditional Japanese binding / Microform / Exhibition posters --- Weekdays: 9:00-17:00
    Audio-visual materials --- During library opening hours

Arrangement of library materials at the Art and Physical Education Library

FieldFirst character of the classificationSubject / ContentLocation
General works0General works4F
Human sciences1Philosophy1F
Social sciences3Social sciences4F
Natural sciences4Natural sciences4F
Natural sciences5Technology, Engineering3F
Social Sciences6Industry3F
Human sciences7The arts3F
Human sciences769,799Theatrical dancing, Dancing4F
780Physical training, Sports
All fieldsLarge books, Japanese style books
Pocket books
Exhibition catalogs
Newspapers, Back issues of newspapers,
Reference books, New books,
Microforms, AV materials
Newly arrived periodicals, Newsletters
Back issues of journals
Back issues of newspapers
Former collection of the Tokyo Institute of Physical Education
Exhibition posters