For UTMy students

E-Resources for UTMy


The following resources are available to UTMy students.

Usage Note
・The publishers and distributors of the e-resources require compliance with the terms and conditions of use of these products. 
Generally users must not:

  • Systematic download and excessive access -> More Information
  • Use resources for any purpose other than private study, teaching and / or research
  • make multiple print or electronic copies, or provide them to anyone

・You must be logged in to use this service. -> More Information 

List of E-Journals available on UTMy

American Chemical Society Journals リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform of American Chemical Society.
Subject: Chemistry
Cambridge Journals リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform of Cambridge University Press.
Subject: All disciplines
JSTOR The Arts & Sciences Collection I~VII リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform of JSTOR.
Subject: Humanities and Social Sciences
Nature Journals リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform produced by Springer Nature.
Subject: Natural Sciences
Oxford Journals リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform of Oxford University Press.
Subject: All disciplines
ScienceDrirect リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform produced by Elsevier.
Subject: All disciplines
Science Magazine リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform produced by American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS).
Subject: Natural Sciences
SpringerLink e-Journal Advanced Package リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform produced by Springer Nature.
Subject: All disciplines
Wiley Online Library リモートアクセス可It is the E-journal platform of Wiley.
Subject: All disciplines
NII-REO Online Journal Archive リモートアクセス可

It is the E-journal archive collection by NII-REO. The below collections are available.

  • Oxford University Press
  • Springer Journal Archive
  • Springer Online Journal Archive
  • Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
  • Springer LNCS (Vol. 1501 - Vol. 1760)
  • Taylor & Francis Online

List of Databases available on UTMy

Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search リモートアクセス可
(Former "Kikuzo II Visual")
Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search is a high-speed article search service provided by Asahi Shimbun Company.
-> More information
Britannica Online(In Japanese) リモートアクセス可This is an integration of the “Britannica international encyclopaedia (macropedia, micropedia) (Japanese) “and the “Britannica International Yearbook (Japanese).”
-> More information
Britannica Online(In English) リモートアクセス可Britannica Online is a web version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which is the most famous encyclopedias in the world, first published in 1768.
-> More Information
JapanKnowledge Lib リモートアクセス可A database offering combined searches of sources like encyclopedias, Japanese language dictionaries, history dictionaries, and other language dictionaries.
-> More information
Journal Citation Reports リモートアクセス可You can refer to indicators for journal evaluation, such as the impact factor, which is based on the number of citations of articles in academic and scientific journals worldwide.
-> More information
Web of Science リモートアクセス可This is a citation index database provided by Clarivate.
-> More information
Yomidas リモートアクセス可A digital archive covering the entire history of newspaper publishing in Japan.
-> More information
Zassaku Plus リモートアクセス可A database allowing the user to search articles from Japanese magazines and periodicals spanning from the Meiji era to the present day.
NII-REO Humanities & Social Sciences(HSS) Collection リモートアクセス可

The below collections are available.

  • 19c & 20c HCPP (House of Commons Parliamentary Papers)
  • 18c HCPP (House of Commons Parliamentary Papers)
  • MOMW (Making of the Modern World: 1450-1850)
  • MOMWII (Making of the Modern World: 1851-1914)
  • MOMWIII (Making of the Modern World: 1890-1945)
  • ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online)
  • EEBO (Early English Books Online)
  • Evans (America's Historical Imprints, Series I: Evans, 1639-1800)

List of E-books available on UTMy

Cambridge Books Online リモートアクセス可

This is the site for e-books published by Cambridge University Press. From University of Tsukuba, you can access 960 titles, mainly in the areas of social sciences, such as politics, economics, and management.

Select the "Only show content I have access to" checkbox, only the contents that can be viewed at University of Tsukuba will be displayed.

Concurrent User:5 or Unlimited

Cambridge Companions Online リモートアクセス可

This is the site for e-books published by Cambridge University Press. From University of Tsukuba, you can access 960 titles, mainly in the areas of social sciences, such as politics, economics, and management.

Select the "Only show content I have access to" checkbox, only the contents that can be viewed at University of Tsukuba will be displayed.

Concurrent User:5 or Unlimited

Cambridge History Online リモートアクセス可

The online version of the Cambridge Companions series. There are 415 items that can be accessed in areas including literature, classical studies, philosophy, religion and cultural research (music fields are not included.)

Select the "Only show content I have access to" checkbox, only the contents that can be viewed at University of Tsukuba will be displayed.

Concurrent User:Unlimited

KinoDen リモートアクセス可

This is an e-book platform consisting of Japanese books for academic institutions.

  • If the message "bREADER Cloud 試し読みを表示しています" (Showing trial reading) is displayed when you click the "閲覧開始" (Start browsing) button, you may have exceeded the maximum number of simultaneous accesses. Please try accessing the book a little later.
  • For each viewing, it is possible to print/ save a maximum of 60 pages.

*When using Internet Explorer, the text may not be displayed correctly.Please use other web browsers.

Concurrent User:1~3
Maruzen eBook Library リモートアクセス可

This is an e-book platform consisting of Japanese books for academic institutions (reference books, enlightenment and culture texts, specialized field books).

  • When the message "この書籍はご契約の同時アクセスを超えています。
    (This book exceeds the simultaneous access of the contract)" appears, please try to access the book after a while.
  • The number of pages that can be downloaded depends on the content. Please check the number of downloadable pages displayed on the details screen. Some contents cannot be downloaded due to the contract.

*From June 29, 2022, you will be required to enter the university email address (ending in, and when performing download. You also need to enter the verification code that will be sent your email address.

Concurrent User:1 or 3
Oxford Academic リモートアクセス可

Oxford Academic is a platform that gives you access to all the online books and journals published by Oxford University Press.

  • Enter the keywords and perform the search, or select a subject.
  • The icon of a green key next to a book's title indicates that the title is one for which the main text can be accessed.

Concurrent User: Unlimited

Oxford Reference リモートアクセス可

This is an e-book platform consisting of dictionaries and encyclopedias in humanities & social sciences and medical sciences by Oxford University Press.

  • Check the “Unlocked" and "Free" boxes, only the contents that can be accessed from University of Tsukuba will be searched.

Concurrent User:1 or Unlimited

ProQuest Ebook Central
(formerly: ebrary + MyiLibrary) リモートアクセス可

Ebook Central is a collection of e-books published by the world’s leading 650 publishers that can be searched and viewed from a single platform. 1,000 titles are available at University of Tsukuba. For over 1.7 million ebooks which University of Tsukuba Library has not purchased, you can preview full text for 5 minutes and make a purchase request.

Concurrent User:1~3 or Unlimited

ScienceDirect eBooks リモートアクセス可

ScienceDirect ebooks provides encyclopedias, handbooks, book series in all subject areas published by Elsevier B.V.

If you are looking for a book, select the checkboxes for “Books”, “Handbooks”, “Reference works” and “Book series”.
Select the “Subscribed & complimentary” and “Open access” checkboxes, only the contents that can be accessed from University of Tsukuba will be searched.

Concurrent User:Unlimited

Springer eBooks リモートアクセス可

Enables access to about 20,000 e-books, mainly in STM (science, technology, medicine) field issued by Springer.The digital versions of materials like the Lecture Notes in Computer Science can also be used. Titles shown with a key icon are not available under the University of Tsukuba contract. If the checkbox for "Include Preview-Only content" is cleared, only the books that can be viewed at University of Tsukuba will be displayed. 

Concurrent User:Unlimited

Wiley Online Library リモートアクセス可

Wiley-Blackwell is an international academic publishing company that publishes numerous journals and books.All disciplines of the university are covered, with more than 1,400 journals and over 300 book titles available.

If you are looking for a thesis, select “Articles & Chapters” to perform the search. If you are looking for a journal or book, select “Publications”. The icon of an opened padlock indicates that the title is one for which the main text can be accessed. For details about the use method, refer to the guides below.

Concurrent User:Unlimited

You can also use the products on this page that are marked as "Free" in "Available on".