■ 類目表
- A: General Works
- B: Philosophy
- C: Religion and Theology
- D: Education
- D': School Texts
- E: Languages
- F: Literature
- G: Arts
- H: History
- J: Biography
- K: Geography
- L: Law
- M: Politics
- N: Economics and Finance
- P: Society
- Q: Statistics
- R: Mathematics
- S: Natural Science
- T: Engineering
- U: Medicine
- V: Military Science
- W: Industries (Agriculture and Commerce)
- X: Communication
- Y: Domestic Science
- Z: Sports, Amusement and Others
■ 細目表
A: General Works
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A000 General Bibliographies and Libraries. A050 Catalogues of Books. General Reference Works. A200 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. A260 Year-Book. A270 General Indices. A300 General Collections. A400 Miscellaneous Works. A430 Dissertations (Tokyo University of Education). General Societies and Museums. A500 General Societies. A540 Museums. Books Rarities. A600 Records. A610 Letters. A630 Manuscripts Autographs. A660 Ownership Book Plates. A690 Other Rarities Curios. General Periodicals and Newspapers. A900 Periodicals. A950 Newspapers, etc.
B: Philosophy
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Philosophy in General. B000 General Works. B100 Catalogues and Bibliographies B120 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. B130 Collected Works. B140 Series B180 Periodicals. B190 Miscellaneous Works. History of Philosophy and its Source Books. Monographies on Philosophers. B200 Ancient. B204 Mediaeval. B208 Modern. B212 Contemporary B216 Dissertations. B220 General History of Philosophy. B230 Ancient Philosophy. B240 Mediaeval Philosophy. B250 Modern Philosophy. B260 Contemporary Philosophy. B280 Special History and Groups of Philosophers. B300 Metaphysics. B320 Epistemology and Logic (Philosophy of Mathematics, see R130. Philosophy of Language, see E200). B340 Philosophy of Life and View of the World. B360 Philosophy of Nature. B380 Philosophy of Culture. Psychology. B400 General Psychology and History of Psychology. B405 Theories and Methodology. B410 Sensation and Perception. B415 Feeling and Emotion. B420 Attention, Memory and Thought. B425 Motor Phenomena, Will and Action. B430 Social Psychology, Folk Psychology and Individual Psychology. B435 Animal Psychology and Plant Psychology. B440 Child Psychology, Youth Psychology and Psychology of Mental Growth. B450 Educational Psychology and Mental Measurement. B460 Differential Psychology. B470 Characterology. B475 Gestalt-Theory (Behaviorism). B480 Applied Psychology and Industrial Psychology. B485 Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy. B490 Abnormal Psychology and Psychopathology (Psycho-analysis). B495 Miscellaneous Works. Ethics. B500 General Works. B520 History of Ethics and Morals. B540 Theoretical. B560 Practical. B580 Miscellaneous Works. B600 Aesthetics. B700 Oriental Philosophy (Indian Philosophy). B800 Chinese Philosophy.
C: Religion and Theology
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Religion and Theology in General. C000 General Works. C100 Catalogues. C120 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. C140 Collected Works. C150 Series. C160 General History of Religions. C170 Biographies. C180 Criticisms (Essays). C190 Periodicals. C195 Miscellaneous Works. C200 Shintoism. C300 Buddhism. C500 Taoism. C600 Christianity. C700 Other Religions. C800 Mythology.
D: Education
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Education in General. D000 General and Miscellaneous Works. D100 Catalogues. D120 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. D140 Collcted Works. D160 Series. D180 Periodicals. History of Education and Biographies. D200 Materials. D240 Oriental. D260 Occidental. Pedagogics. D300 Pedagogics in General. D340 Instruction. D360 Discipline. Education in School and Education in Other then School. D400 General. D410 Home Education and Education of Kindergarten. D420 Primary Education. D425 Secondary Education. D430 Higher Education. D440 Normal School Education (Training of Teachers and Teachers). D450 Vocational and Professional Education. D460 Social Education. D470 Special Education. D480 Education of Women. Methods of Education D500 General D520 Special(Religious,Moral,Physical Education,School Hygiene and Sex Education, etc.). D560 Materials(Examination and Test, see B 450). System, Administration and School Management. D600 General. D610 Japan. D620 America(U.S.A.). D630 Great Britain and Ireland. D640 Germany. D650 France. D690 Other Countries.
D' School Texts
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D'000 Philosophy. D'100 Language. D'200 Society. D'250 Literature. D'300 History. D'330 Geography. D'400 Mathematics. D'500 Natural Science. D'550 Medical Science. D'600 Education. D'800 Series. D'900 Miscellaneous.
E: Languages
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Languages in General. E000 General and Miscellaneous Works. E100 Dictionaries and Concordances. E130 Collected Works. E160 Series. E190 Periodicals. Science of Language. E200 General Linguistics. E220 Phonetics. E230 Writing. E240 Semasiology. E260 Grammar,Morphology and Syntax. Asiatic Languages. E300 General and Miscellaneous Works. E350 Japanese. E400 Chinese. E450 Other Languages. Indo-European Languages. E600 Indo-European Comparative Philology. E610 English E640 German and Other Germanic Languages. E650 French and Other Romance Languages. E660 Greek. E670 Latin. E680 Indic, Persian and Armenian. E690 Slavic, Celtic and Other Languages. E700 Semito-Hamitic Languages. E800 Other Languages.
F: Literature
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Literature in General. F000 General Works. F030 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. F040 Collected Works. F050 Series. F060 Periodicals. F080 Miscellaneous Works. F400 Classical Literature. English Literature. F500 General and Miscellaneous Works. F510 History and Biographies. F530 Poetry. F540 Drama. F550 Prose Fiction. F560 Essays and Criticisms. F580 Literary Documents. F600 German Literature. F700 French Literature. F800 Literature of Other Languages. Juvenile Literature. F900 General and Miscellaneous Works. F920 Stories. F940 Verses. F960 Dramas.
G: Arts
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Arts in General. G000 General and Miscellaneous Works. G100 Catalogues. G110 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. G120 Collected Works. G130 Series. G140 History and Biographies. G160 Criticisms. G190 Periodicals. G200 Pictures. G300 Sculpture. G400 Architecture (see also T7000 G500 Industrial Fine Arts. G600 Photography, Motion Picture. G700 Music. G800 Theatre. G900 Opera.
H: History
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History in General. H000 General Works, Methodology and Historiography. H100 Palaeography, Epigraphy, Heraldry, Genealogy and Chronology. H120 Archaeology. H130 Criticisms. H140 Historical Atlases and Maps. H150 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. H160 Collected Works. H170 Series. H180 Periodicals. H190 Materials for History H195 Miscellaneous Works. H300 Universal or General History. Ancient History. H310 General and Miscellaneous Works. H320 Old Oriental. H330 Greek. H340 Roman. H300 Mediaeval History. H350 Modern History. History of States (With no Regard to Ages). Europe. H400 Great Britain and Ireland. H410 Germany, Austria and Hungary. H420 France. H430 Russia. H440 Italy, Spain, Portugal and Holland. H490 Others. Asia. H500 Japan. H620 China. H700 India. H710 Persia (Iran). H720 Turkey (Including Turkey-in-Europe). H740 Others. H750 Africa. H760 North America (U.S.A. and Others) H770 Central America, Mexico and West Indies. H780 South America. H790 Oceania. H800 History of Civilization.
J: Biography
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J000 Biography in General. J400 Collected Biographies. J500 Individual Biographies. J600 Miscellaneous Works.
K: Geography
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Geography in General K000 General and Miscellaneous Works. K020 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. K040 Atlases and Maps. K060 Travels and Voyages. K070 Collected Works. K080 Series. K090 Periodicals. K100 Physical Geography. K120 Mathematical and Astronomical Geography. K140 Topography. K160 Hydrography, Climatography and Biogeography. K200 Human Geography. K220 Economic Geography (Industrial and Commercial). K260 Ethnogeographical Geography (Political Geography and Others). Asia. K300 General. K320 Japan. K340 China. K360 India. K380 Others. Europe. K400 General. K410 Great Britain and Ireland. K420 Germany. K430 France. K440 Others. K500 Africa. North America. K600 Canada. K620 United States of America. K650 Central America and Others. K700 South America. K800 Oceania and Polar Regions. K900 World Geography.
L: Law
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Law in General. L000 General Works. L120 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. L140 Collections. L150 history and Bibliographies. L170 Jurisprudence. L180 Periodicals. L190 Miscellaneous Works. Legal History. L200 General. L210 Japan. L220 China. L240 Rome. L250 Great Britain, Ireland and America. L260 Germany and Austria. L270 France and Belgium. L280 Italy. L290 Others. L300 Constitutional and Administrative Law. L350 Civil Law. L400 Commercial Law. L450 Civil Procedure. L500 Criminal Law and procedure (Including Penalogy and Criminology). L590 Industrial Law and Other Laws. L600 Digest. Codes and Statutes. L700 Great Britain, Ireland and America. L720 Germany. L740 France. L760 Others. International Publications and Treaties. L800 General. L840 Essays. L860 Treaties and Conferences. L900 International Law.
M: Politics
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Politics and Administration in General. M000 General Works. M100 Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. M110 Collected Works. M120 Series. M140 History and Bibliographies. M160 Theories. M180 Periodicals. M190 Miscellaneous Works. M200 Political Science. M300 Parliament and Election. M400 Political Parties. International Politics and Diplomacy. M600 General. M620 History of Diplomacy. M640 International Relations. M690 Essays. M700 League of Nations. M800 United Nations.
N: Economics and Finance
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Economics in General. N000 General Works (Political Economy). N100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. N120 Collections. N190 Periodicals. N195 Miscellaneous Works. N200 Economic History and Biographies. N300 Economic Policy. N320 Money, Credit and Prices. N340 Migration and Colonization. Economic Circumstances. N400 General. N430 Asia. N470 Europe. N480 America. N490 Others. Finance in General. N500 General Works. N510 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. N550 Collections. N580 Periodicals. N600 History of Finance. N700 Budget, Expenditure and Revenue. N740 Taxation. N750 Public Loan.
P: Society
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Society in General. P000 General and Miscellaneous Works. P100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. P120 Collections. P150 History and Biographies. P190 Periodicals. P200 Sociology in General. P300 Social Theories. P400 Social Problems and Social Policy. P500 Social Works. Folklore (Customs and Manners). P600 General. P610 Asia. P640 Africa. P650 Europe. P660 North America. P670 South America. P680 Oceania.
Q: Statistics
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Statistics in General. Q000 General Works. Q100 Methods of Census. Q180 Periodicals. Q190 Miscellaneous Works. Q200 Statistical Science and its History. Statistical Tables. Q300 General. Q310 Japan. Q550 Asia. Q600 Europe. Q650 America. Q900 Others.
R: Mathematics
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Mathematics in General. R000 General Works. R100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. R110 Collected Works. R115 Series. R120 History and Biographies. R130 Philosophy. R140 Tables. R150 Periodicals. R160 Miscellaneous Works. Arithmetics and Algebra. R300 General Works in Arithmetics and Algebra. R320 Elementary Arithmetics. R340 Higher Arithmetics. R360 Elementary Algebra. R380 Higher Algebra. Analysis. R400 General Works in Analysis. R410 Elementary Analysis R420 Infinitesimal Calculas. R440 Theory of Function. R460 Differential Equations and Integral Equations, etc. R480 Potentials and Spherical Harmonics, etc. Geometry. R500 General Works in Geometry. R510 Foundation of Geometry (Non-Euclidean Geometry). R520 Elementary Geometry and Trigonometry. R540 Synthetic, Projective and Descriptive Geometry. R560 Analytical Geometry (Differential Geometry). R580 Vector Analysis. Applied Mathematics. R600 Applied Mathematics. R650 Probabilities (Theory of Errors, etc.).
S: Natural Science
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Natural Science in General. S000 General Works. S010 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. S020 Collected Works. S025 Series. S030 History and Biographies. S050 Natural History. S070 Periodicals. S090 Miscellaneous Works. Cosmical Physics and Geophysics. General and Miscellaneous Works. S100 General Works. S102 Collected Works. S104 Series. S106 Periodicals. S108 Miscellaneous Works. S120 Astronomy. S140 Seismology. S160 Meteorology. S180 Oceanography. Physics and Chemistry in General. S200 General and Miscellaneous Works. S220 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. S240 Collected Works. S250 Series. S260 History and Biographies. S270 Tables. S290 Periodicals. Physics. General and Miscellaneous Works. S300 General Works. S301 Dictionaries. S302 Collected Papers. S303 Physical Experiments. S304 Tables of Physical Constants. S305 Tables of Physical Calculations. S306 Periodicals. S307 Miscellaneous Works. S310 Dynamics. S315 Properties of Matter. S320 Gas Theory. S325 Heat. S330 Elasticity. S335 Acoustics. S340 Electricity and Magnetism. S345 X-Ray and Radio-Activity. S350 Electron and Ion. S355 Optics. S360 Spectroscopy and Atomphysics. S365 Quantum, Radiation and Relativity. S380 Technological Physics. Chemistry. General and Miscellaneous Works. S400 General and Miscellaneous Works. S402 Dictionaries. S404 Tables of Constant Chemical Wall Maps and Tables. S406 Periodicals. S410 Theoretical and Physical Chemistry. S420 Inorganic Chemistry. S430 Organic Chemistry. S440 Analytical Chemistry. S450 Biochemistry. S460 Metallography. S470 Electrochemistry. S480 Colloid Chemistry. S490 Photochemistry. S495 Technological Chemistry. Geology and Mineralogy. General and Miscellaneous Works. S500 General and Miscellaneous Works. S502 Maps and Tables. S504 Collected Works. S506 Series. S509 Periodicals. S510 Mineralogy. S520 Lithology. Palaeontology (see S640) S550 Geology. S570 Regional Geology. S590 Applied Geology. Biology. General Works. S600 General Works. S605 Collected Works. S610 Series. S615 Periodicals. S620 Evolution. S640 Palaeontology. S660 Biometry. S680 Eugenics and Genetics. S685 Maps and Tables. S690 Miscellaneous Works. Zoology. General and Miscellaneous Works. S700 General Works. S704 Series of Expedition and Fauna, etc. S706 Technique. S708 Periodicals. S709 Miscellaneous Works. S710 Systematic Zoology. S715 Morphology and Anatomy. S720 Histology and Cytology. S730 Embryology. S740 Ecology and Zoogeography. S760 Parasitology and Applied Zoology. S770 Experimental Zoology. S780 Physiology and Biochemistry. Botany. General and Miscellaneous Works. S800 General Works. S802 Collections. S804 Periodicals. S806 Miscellaneous Works. S810 Systematism. S820 Physiology and Chemistry. S840 Ecology and Geography. S860 Morphology and Cytology. S880 Applied Botany. S890 Bacteriology. S900 Anthropology and Ethnology.
T: Engineering
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Engineering in General. T000 General Works. T100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. T120 Collections. T140 History and Biographies. T160 Periodicals. T180 Miscellaneous Works. T200 Civil Engineering and Surveying. T300 Mechanical Engineering and Marine Engineering. T400 Electrical Engineering. T600 Mining Engineering and Metallurgy. T700 Architecture and Building. T800 Nuclear Engineering. T900 Other Engineering.
U: Medicine
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Medicine in General. U000 General Works. U100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. U120 Collections. U140 History and Biographies. U160 Periodicals. U180 Miscellaneous Works. Anatomy. U200 Anatomy and Histology. U250 Pathology and Pathological Anatomy. U300 Physiology (Biophysics) and Physiological Chemistry (Biochemistry). U400 Pharmacology, Toxicology, Forensic Medicine and Criminal Anthropology. U500 Parasitology, Bacteriology (see also S890), Hygiene, Public Health and Epidemiology. Medicine in Practice. U600 Diagnostics, Symptomatology and Therapeutics. U700 Internal Medicine, Surgery and Psychiatry, etc. U800 Sports Medicine and Hygiene.
V: Military Science
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Military Science in General. V000 General Works. V100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. V120 Collections. V170 Periodicals. V190 Miscellaneous Works. V200 History and Biographies. V400 Army. V500 Navy. V600 Air Force. V700 Red Cross.
W: Industries (Agriculture and Commerce)
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Industries in General. W000 General Works. W100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. W110 Collections. W120 History of Industries. W150 Exhibition. W160 Weight and Measure. W170 Periodicals. W190 Miscellaneous Works. Agriculture. General Works. W200 General. W210 Collections. W215 Periodicals. W220 Agricultural Economics. Crop Culture. W240 General. W260 Crop Planning. W280 Horticulture. W300 Landscape Gardening and Parks. Agricultural Chemistry W320 General. W340 Soil. W360 Manure. W380 Animal Industry. W400 Agricultural Industry. W420 Forestry. W440 Agricultural Biology. W460 Fishery and Salt. W480 Miscellaneous Works. Commerce General and Miscellaneous Works. W600 General and Miscellaneous Works. W610 Catalogue-s, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias. W620 Collections. W630 History and Biographies. W650 Correspondence and Advertisement. W690 Periodicals. W720 Trade. W750 Merchandise. W950 Book-Keeping. W960 Accounting. W970 Foreign Exchange. W980Other Industries.
X: Communication
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Communication in General. X000 General and Miscellaneous Works. X100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. X120 Collections. X140 History and Biographies. X190 Periodicals. X200 Transportaiton. X600 Railways. X700 Air Transport. Correspondences. X800 General. X820 Post. X840 Telegraph. X860 Telephone. X900 Others (Radio, Television).
Y: Domestic Science
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Domestic Sciencce in General. Y000 General and Miscellaneous Works. Y100 Catalogues, Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. Y120 Collections. Y190 Periodicals. Y400 Clothings. Y700 Food and Nutrition. Y800 Housings. Y900 Home Hygiene. Y950 Others.
Z: Sports, Amusement and Others
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Z000 Sports and Amusements in General. Z400 Sports. Z800 Amusements. Z900 Others.