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Student Support Desk

What's Student Support Desk? | Schedule | Reservation form for face-to-face support | Reservation form for online support | more information...

What's Student Support Desk?

Learning Advisers (LA), graduate students will support our students' studies.
LAs may think together with you through the discussion, and they give you advice based on their experience.

Location: "Learning Square" in the Central Library main building 2nd floor
Available: 14:00-19:00 on weekdays (Term Period)
*Up to 60 minutes for one day.
*Advance reservation is possible. ...Reservation form
*Personal request to LAs outside of the desk cannot be responded.

[Sample questions]

  • I want to know how to write an essay! (Academic essay & Learning)
  • I want to know how to search the reference for writing essay! (The method of the Library utilization)
  • I want to know how to use a Zengaku PC! (PC)
  • I want some advices about the course registration! (Consultation of the course)
  • I want to know about graduate schools! (University life)

#For those who need advice for writing reports or theses#
Please agree to the followings.
-Please bring the writing as printed matter. Writing down the LA's comments directly to papers may induce efficient advice.
-Please organize your problems in advance to tell LAs concretely. 
  e.g.) About theme or contents / About writing structure / About phrasing and grammar
-We cannot revise or correct entire texts word for word.
  Please be as specific as possible in the scope and areas for which you need advice.



* Learning Advisers of this year (Prism)(PDF:1,142KB)

Learning Advisers' major:
リスク:Risk and Resilience Engineering
情報理工:Computer Science
応用理工:Engineering Sciences
生命農学:Life and Agricultural Sciences

Learning Advisers' degree:
M:Master's degree
D:Doctor's degree

Reservation form for face-to-face support

New appointments cannot be accepted from those who have already made a consultation appointment. Please make an appointment for the next consultation after you have completed your reserved consultation.

We will inform you of the scheduled date via email.
Please add the "" domain to your safe sender list in your security software.

Please make a reservation by the previous day.
As a general rule, we will contact you on the  the next working day. Please contact us if you do not receive confirmation email.  ※Please replace "#@#" with "@"

Name:  (Required)
ID:  (Required)
※13-digit number on the back of the student card
e-Mail:  (Required)
Tel:  (Required)

Time and Dates (Required)
1 session = 30 minutes. Up to 2 sessions in a row, once a day. / Contact us by the previous day.
 1st preferred date  from  minutes
 2nd preferred date  from  minutes
 3rd preferred date  from  minutes

Consultation content (optional):
If you have any computer-related questions, please fill in as much information about your computer as you can, including the version of your OS(Windows/Mac), and other software.

Personal information will only be used for studying support.

Reservation form for online support

New appointments cannot be accepted from those who have already made a consultation appointment. Please make an appointment for the next consultation after you have completed your reserved consultation.

You can also access the desk online, not only face-to-face.
Please make a reservation by the previous day. Please note the following.

  • You must pay the communication fee by yourself.
  • Please refrain from recording the conversation.
  • Please connect from the area with good network connection, and quiet enough to listen.
    Also, please refrain from connecting from the area where talking for a long time is prohibited.
  • Please be aware of the photographing range of the camera on your device, and your background during the conversation also.
  • There is a risk of conversation suspending because of system problems.
    Though, please note that the reservation time does not extend.
    If the system were to fail restoring until the ending time, please reserve the online support again at later date.

We will inform you of the scheduled date via email.
Please add the "" domain to your safe sender list in your security software.

As a general rule, we will contact you on the  the next working day.
Please contact us if you do not receive confirmation email.

Please tell us immediately if you want to cancel.
Due to the coronavirus, the reservation may get cancelled.  Note: Please replace "#@#" with "@"

Name:  (Required)
ID:  (Required)
Note: 13-digit number on the back of the student card
e-Mail:  (Required)
Note: e-Mail address of the university is recommended.
Tel:  (Required)
Device: (Required)
Note: Device you use for online access

Time and Dates (Required)
1 session = 30 minutes. Once a day. / Contact us by the previous day.
 1st preferred date  from 30 minutes
 2nd preferred date  from 30 minutes
 3rd preferred date  from 30 minutes

Consultation content (optional):
If you have any computer-related questions, please fill in as much information about your computer as you can, including the version of your OS(Windows/Mac), and other software.

Personal information will only be used for studying support.

more information…

Student Support Desk PV (in Japanese with English subtitles)

(mp4/15MB:Beware of loud volume! )

Learning Adviser Recommended Books

Shelves for supporting your learning : Booklog (Japanese)

Past Projects by LA

2024/11/15The Learning Adviser's WorkshopPrismNo.134(PDF/1.05MB)
Exhibition "Ask LA about student life - University of Tsukuba Start Dash."-
2023/11/07Workshop "Key Points for Writing a Thesis! -How to find references and write an introduction-"PrismNo.130(PDF/1,301KB)
2023/06/05-08/31Exhibition " Get to know the Learning Advisors who work at the Student Support Desk."-
2022/10/12Online Event "University of Tsukuba Student Consultation Room"PrismNo.128(PDF/908KB)
2022/04/18-06/03Learning Adventure2022 -Introduction of Learning Advisers--
2021/10/13Online Seminar "Valuable episodes for writing graduation and doctoral thesis"
*Presentation materials : First Part / Second Part / Pre-questions and answers
2021/06/01-07/30Learning Adventure2021 -Introduction of Learning Advisers-PrismNo.122(PDF/707KB)
2021/01/06LAs help your study by video! (in Japanese)PrismNo.119(PDF/1.5MB)
2019/10/09Workshop "How to write a thesis"PrismNo.103(PDF/812KB)
2019/10/01-11/11Exhibition「現役大学院生がおくる あなたのまだ見ぬ大学院の世界【だから私たちは大学院生になった!】」PrismNo.102(PDF/1.5MB)
2018/10/10Workshop "It's Never Too Late to Write Your Graduation Thesis!”PrismNo.98(PDF/925KB)
2017/07/26Workshop "Enjoy writing your graduation thesis! "PrismNo.95(PDF/248KB)
2017/05/17Workshop "How to write a class paper"PrismNo.94(PDF/404KB)
2016/12/07Workshop: Let’s get “Gakushin-DC"PrismNo.90(PDF/277KB)
2016/11/15,22Workshop "How to write a class paper"PrismNo.89(PDF/543KB)
2013/11/03,04学園祭企画・図書館オリエンテーリング「大学図書館 本の樹海」-
2013/10/25-11/29「Learning Adviser × Booklog の本棚」展示-
2012/09/03-30「Learning Adviser× Booklog の本棚」展示展示本リスト

Supporting students by Prism

Due to preventive measures against coronavirus disease, Student Support Desk was closed during the Spring Semester, 2020. During the semester, LAs wrote tips to study everyday and write theses on Prism, information flyer of the library. These are in Japanese, but please give it a try!

2020/08/26YouTubeコンテンツを用いた自宅学習 ~その1: 教育系YouTuber~/長期休暇に勉強する方へ おすすめの過ごし方PrismNo.113(PDF/1.1MB)
2020/08/07ステイホーム中の調べもの ~電子ブック活用法~/問いの組み立てと先行研究レビューPrismNo.111(PDF/1.3MB)
2020/07/31レポート・論文の書き方~引用・註の書き方編 その参~PrismNo.110(PDF/1.2MB)
2020/07/29レポート・論文の書き方~引用・註の書き方編 その弐~PrismNo.109(PDF/1.1MB)
2020/07/27レポート・論文の書き方~引用・註の書き方編 その壱~PrismNo.108(PDF/1.1MB)