About the Library

History of University of Tsukuba Library

Major Events   

1973 Oct. Foundation of the University of Tsukuba and its Library
1974 Apr. Establishment of the Division of University Library
July Opening of the Art and Physical Education Library
1975 Feb. "TSUKUBANE" Bulletin of the University Library first published (until Mar. 2005)
Mar. Transferring of Ex-Library Collection (Tokyo University of Education) started
Apr. Reorganization of the University Library office into 2 divisions
1977 Nov. "Plan on the University Library System" published
1978 Jan. Opening of the Medical Library
Mar. Closure of Tokyo University of Education
Mar. Transferring of Ex-Library Collection (Tokyo University of Education) ended
1979 Jan. "Enforcement Plan of the University Library System" published
Mar. "Guide to the Tsukuba University Library Information Processing System (TULIPS)" published
Apr. Division of Information Services established
May TULIPS computer system started operation
June "Acquisition List of the University Library" first published (monthly, until Mar. 1991)
Oct. Opening of the Central Library
Oct. Computer circulation system started
Oct. Affiliation with Japan Medical Library Association
1980 Jan. "Selection List of the University Library" first published (until the edition for 1988)
Nov. Exhibited 51 rare books commemorating 7th anniversary of the university
1981 Mar. "Annual Cumulative Catalog of the University Library 1978/79" published (until the edition for 1988)
Apr. Host machine ACOS replaced with FACOM: MODEL 204 adopted as the computer software (DBMS)
Oct. Online book holdings retrieval service within the Library
1982 Dec. Online book holdings retrieval service within the University
1984 July TULIPS as the total system established
1985 Oct. The Central Library was awarded the 1st Architecture Prize of Japan Library Association
1986 Dec. Data station of University of Tsukuba Science Information Processing Center installed in the Central Library
1988 Apr. Library rule enacted
Divisions renamed into 'Division of Information Processing and Management', 'Division of Information Services' and 'Division of Library System'
Aug. National Center for Science Information System Cataloging Services (NACSIS-CAT) available
Sep. Computer System for Educational Use started operation in the Central Library and the Medical Library
1989 June Opening of the Otsuka Library (Otsuka Area)
Aug. Started to enter bibliographic records into NACSIS union catalog database
Sep. Special exhibition commemorating 10th anniversary of the Central Library
1991 Mar. Final report of the Committee for Future Planning of the Library
Nov. Loan service for researchers in the Tsukuba Science City
1992 Feb. Library's own computer system installed
Apr. Started to open on Sundays
May Started to open on Saturdays
June Connected to NACSIS-ILL system and started to work in it
Nov. Comenius Collection Exhibition
1993 Apr. Syllabus corner
Oct. Online holdings retrieval services over the lnternet
1995 Mar. The Central Library Annex completed (Completion ceremony held in June)
Apr. Reorganization of the University Library office
June Library Volunteers staffed
1996 Feb. Library’s computer system replaced
1997 June Received 1997 JANUL Award “Introduction of Library Volunteers”
Oct. Loan service for students of the Open University of Japan Ibaraki Study Center
1998 Jan. Digital Library system launched
Redefinition of "Tulips" (Tsukuba University Library digitized Information Public Service)
1999 Apr. Started to open on National Holidays
2001 Apr. Computer System for Educational Use operational in the Art and Physical Education Library
May Loan service on Sundays, Saturdays and national holidays (trial) (officially adopted in April 2002)
2002 Jan. Digital Library System replaced
Oct. Joined together with the University of Library and Information Science
Opening of the Library on Library and Information Science
2003 Sep. Special exhibition "Rare Books from the University of Tsukuba Library" in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the University of Tsukuba establishment (131 years since its original foundation as the national teachers school)
2004 Mar. Online interlibrary photocopy order system
Apr. Reorganized the Library Office in accordance with the start of the National University Corporation
Nov. Extension of opening hours (trial) (officially adopted in next Apr.)
2005 Apr. Opening of the Otsuka Library (Akihabara Area)
Apr. Loan service for visitors
May Foundation of the Research and Development Office
Jan. Redifinition of "Tulips" (Tsukuba University Library Information Public Service)
Mar. Opening of Tsukuba Repository
2007 Mar. Online interlibrary book-loan order system
Mar. “Society Copyright Policies in Japan (SCPJ)” opened
May E-DDS service (for faculty members)
Sep. Online application service to purchase books (for students)
2008 Feb. Online book-delivery application service between Tsukuba Campus and Tokyo Campus
Mar. Coffee shop opened in the entrance hall of the Central Library
Apr. Extension of opening hours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (the Medical Library)
Apr. Library promotion video “Shu-5 Toshokan Seikatsu Doudesuka? (How about spending 5 days a week in our library?)” was disclosed
July Seismic strengthening work of the Central Library (1st period) (completed in Mar. 2009)
2009 Apr. PR magazine “Prism” was first published
Apr. Seismic strengthening work of the Central Library (2nd period) (completed in Dec.)
June Received 2009 JANUL Award “Working Group on producing a promotion video of the University of Tsukuba Library”
Sep. “Annual Report of University of Tsukuba Library” first published
Sep. Study Space opened on the 2nd floor of the annex of the Central Library
2010 Jan. Book delivery service within Tsukuba Area for special service for university members with disability
Feb. Digital Library System replaced
Discovery service (2nd generation OPAC) installed
Mar. The Otsuka Library moved to the temporary building due to reconstruction work of Otsuka Area, Tokyo campus
Mar. Reconstruction work of the Otsuka Library (completed in Aug. 2011)
Mar. Tulips-WARP, the remote access service for EJ/DB
Apr. Learning Commons opened in the Library on Library and Information Science
July Seismic strengthening work of the Central Library (3rd period) (completed in Jan. 2011)
2011 Mar. [The Great East Japan Earthquake] Closure due to collapsed shelves and fallen books etc. (12th – 28th May)
Mar. Official Twitter account (@tsukubauniv_lib) opened
May [The Great East Japan Earthquake] Libraries except the Art and Physical Education Library restored
Sep. The Otsuka Library reopened after renovation of Bunkyo School Bldg., Tokyo Campus (Akihabara Branch merged in and closed)
Sep. Learning Square opened in the Central Library
Oct. Learning Advisers staffed at the Central Library
2012 Jan. [The Great East Japan Earthquake] The Library’s restoration work started (completed in Mar.)
Feb. “University of Tsukuba Library Mission Statement and Goals” established
Oct. Writing support seminar first held
Nov. Opening hours extension of the Central Library (trial) (officially adopted in Apr. 2014)
* opening at 8:30 am on weekdays during academic terms, until 8:00 pm on weekends and holidays during academic terms
Nov. TSA (Tsukuba Science Activity) opened
2013 Jan. Opening hours extension of the Central Library (Trial) (officially adopted in Apr. 2014)
* until 0:00 am during academic terms
Sep. Opening on Sat., Sun., and Holidays and opening hours extension of the Central Library during recesses (trial) (officially adopted in Apr. 2015)
* Weekdays: 10:00-20:00 -> 9:00-20:00 ; Sat., Sun., Holidays: Closed -> 9:00-18:00
Sep. Seismic strengthening work of the Medical Library (completed in Aug. 2014)
Oct. Official Facebook page opened
Oct. Temporary room of the Medical Library opened
Nov. Offering books with their covers on
Dec. Questionnaire about the trial of extending opening hours of the libraries
2014 Mar. Digital Library System replaced
Official website renewal
Discovery service “Tulips Search” installed Internet reservation system for seminar rooms and study cubicles installed
May Tsukuba Repository transferred to JAIRO Cloud
July Students’ book selection tour
Aug. The Medical Library reopened after renovation
Nov. Seminars by Learning Advisers
2015 Jan. Questionnaire about utilization of Learning Square and extension of opening hours
June 20th anniversary ceremony of Library Volunteers
July (A&PE, Medical, and L&IS) Opening hours extension of special libraries in Tsukuba Area (trial) (officially adopted in April 2016)
* Opening at 9:00 -> 8:30
Nov. University of Tsukuba Open Access Policy adopted
Dec. Gamajumper, the library mascot, won the "Good Worker of the Library" Prize and the Jury Prize at the 1st Library Character Grand-prix held in the 17th Library Fair & Forum
2016 Feb. Book delivery service among the libraries in Tsukuba Campus (Trial) (officially adopted in April 2017)
Feb. Extension of opening hours of the Medical Library during recesses (trial)
*In Feb. and Sep., hours are the same as regular, in order to be fit for the academic calendar of the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Mar. Renewal of Learning Square of the Central Library
Apr. Department of Academic Information was organized (includes 3 divisions: Div. of Academic Information Planning, Div. of Academic Support, Div. of Information Infrastructure Management)
Oct. "Eureka", the Learning Commons in the Art and Physical Education Library, opened
Dec. Gamajumper, the library mascot, won the Most-Cheered- Character-on-the-Web Prize, the third place of the Most-Cherred-Character-at-the-Venue Prize, Clarivate Analytics Prize, and the Best Staffed Suit Prize at the 2st Library Character Grand-prix held in the 18th Library Fair & Forum
2017 Jan. Crowdfunding project
Apr. Library promotion video "Life with Library" was disclosed
Apr. Digitization service for people with disabilities (trial) (officially started in Apr. 2019)
Sep. (A&PE) regular exhibition of a piece of Ishii Collection
Sep. Symposium commemorating 10th anniversary of the University of Tsukuba Press
2018 Jun. Web application system of library card for visitors
Jun. Library User Survey
Dec. (Central) Seismic strengthening work of the entrance hall; the coffee shop closed temporalily (completed in Feb. 2019)
2019 Jan. Service package (book loan, reference, and ILL) for the Laboratory High schools at Otsuka, Komaba, and Sakado
Mar. "Tulips Search" was renewaled and disclosed
Mar. Learning Commons in the Medical Library opened
Mar. Reparing work of "Yagai sougaku, Saruhiki-zu by Kano Tanyu" ended (Started from 2017)
Apr. Actual implementation of the common expense improvement of copying fee for faculty members
Sep. "Agreement about cooperation of libraries in Tsukuba city area" with Tsukuba Public Library
Sep. Gamajumper and Tulip-san, the library mascot, were certificated as semi-official character of the university
2020 Feb. (Central) Expansion of Food & Drink Area (trial)
Mar. (Central) Main Counter and Reference Desk joined together and service at new counter started
Apr. All libraries closed to prevent COVID-19 infection (reopened in phases from June)
Nov. All libraries opened at normal hours except for the Central Library late at night (22:00-24:00)
Dec. Online consultation at the Student Support Desk started
2021 Mar. (Central) 360°VR Panoramas of the library released
Jun. Interlibrary loan with Tsukuba Public Library began
Sep. Credit card payment for home mailing of photocopies started
2022 Mar. Reparing work of "Rekiseitaijuzo" by Kano Sansetsu" ended (Started from 2019)
Oct. Reading barrier-free materials metadata sharing system by National Institute of Informatics started
2023 Feb. Resumption of General Public Access
Mar. Reparing work of "Kayozu by Tamura Chokuo" ended (Started from 2020)