※ For latest information, please check Preventive measures against coronavirus disease page.
If you are unable to visit the library for reasons such as living in a distant location, the following supports will be available during the spring semester only.
Books in University of Tsukuba
- Library accepts requests to borrow and return books by post at the user's expense. Please apply by the form on the page below.
- The borrowing requests are limited to three books at a time per day.
- Please be sure to check the return instructions, especially if you want to return.
- If you are unable to return books by post, please notice that to the contact address below.
- Library accepts requests of mailing services of copying documents at the user's expense.
- The payment is prepaid. You must send the copying fee in cash and the postage in stamps by GENKIN KAKITOME (Currency registration) after you will be notified of the amount by email.
- Please apply for photocopying through the regular photocopying (private expense) request form and write "request for mailing" and "mailing address" in the message to the library.
- If you have not registered for "Registration of Inter-Library loan online application (for private expense)" from My Library, please do so in advance.
For information on how to submit the application form, please follow the instructions below. The library will contact you.- Inquire by email from the address registered in the library's email service.
- Subject:Copy registration
- Body:Name and affiliation, request for copies to be mailed to you, and the name of the library you use
- To:voice@tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp
- 2020/07/17 added links to loan and return form page.