
Collection of British legal history


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・沖野眞己『英国法制史コレクション』筑波大学附属図書館報「つくばね」Vol.18 No.3 1992

 1 法令集
 2 判例集及びケースブック
 3 法律百科全書
 4 研究書
  (1)体系書 (2)ローマ法及びローマ法文 (3)法理学 (4)憲法及び憲法史 (5)法務総裁 (6)治安判事の職務・権能・管轄 (7)司法手続 (8)証書・文書・令状 (9)民事訴訟法 (10)証拠法 (11)刑事法及び刑事裁判 (12)警察機構 (13)家事関係 (14)夫婦関係 (16)身分関係訴訟 (16)相続法 (17)所有権 (18)取得時効 (19)損害賠償 (20)債務法 (21)契約法 (22)パートナーシップ及びジョイント・ストック・カンパニ (23)狩猟法 (24)

 1 英国議会法令集
 2 研究書
 3 判例集



1 法令集

(1)スコットランド議会法令 (貴重書13冊)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 2, 1814  (103)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 3, 1814  (104)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 4, 1816  (105)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 5, 1870  (106)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 6, pt. 1, 1870  (107)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 6, pt. 2, 1872  (108)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 7, 1820  (109)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 8, 1820  (110)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 9, 1822  (111)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 10, 1823  (112)

The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland ; Vol. 11, 1824  (113)

General index to The acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, to which is prefixed a Supplement to the acts. Edinburgh., 1875  (114)

The index or abridgement, of the acts of Parliament and Convention, : from the First Parliament of King James I. holden the 26 Maii, anno 1424 to the fourth session of the First Parliament of Her Majesty Queen Anne, concluded the 25 March 1707, before the union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England: revised and compleated. With the act ratifying and approving the treaty of union of the two kingdoms, verbatim subjoined.. Edinburgh, 1707  (211)

(2)英国議会制定法令 (貴重書3冊 一般図書99冊:1-3,7-102)

A Collection of the public general statutes affecting Scotland, : passed in the eleventh and twelfth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria:. Edinburgh, 1848  (4)

A Collection of the public general statutes affecting Scotland, : passed in the twelfth and thirteenth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria:. Edinburgh, 1849  (5)

A Collection of the public general statutes affecting Scotland, : passed in the thirteenth and fourteenth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria:. Edinburgh, 1850  (6)

2 判例集及びケースブック

(1)スコットランド民事上級裁判所の判決集 (貴重書9冊)

Remarkable decisions of the Court of Session, : from the year 1730 to the year 1752. Edinburgh, 1766  (150)

Select decisions of the Court of Session, : from the year 1752 to the year 1768.. Edinburgh, 1780  (151)

Decisions of the Court of Session, : M.DCC.LXXXI. - M.DCCC.XXII., in the form of a dictionary.. [Edinburgh], 1839  (152)

The decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time. : abridged, and digested under proper heads, in form of a dictionary ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1741  (160)

The decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time. : abridged, and digested under proper heads, in form of a dictionary ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1741  (161)

The decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time. : abridged, and digested under proper heads, in form of a dictionary ; Vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1778  (162)

The practice of the Court of Session, on the basis of the late Mr. Darling's work of 1833. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1848  (167)

The practice of the Court of Session, on the basis of the late Mr. Darling's work of 1833. ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1848  (168)

The practice of the Court of Session in jury causes.. Edinburgh, 1837  (202)

(2)執行官裁判所の判決選集 (一般図書3冊:177-178,200)

(3)貴族院の判決 (雑誌45冊:Scottish Jurist)

3 法律百科全書


4 研究書

(1)体系書 (貴重書9冊)

The institutions of the law of Scotland,. Edinburgh, 1706  (174)

A translation and explanation of the principal technical terms and phrases used in Mr Erskine's Institute of the law of Scotland, in the order of the books, titles, and sections. : With an index materiarum, and the Latin maxims in law and equity most in use.. Edinburgh, 1820  (244)

Illustrations from adjudged cases of the Principles of the law of Scotland. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1838  (157)

Illustrations from adjudged cases of the Principles of the law of Scotland. ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1838  (158)

Illustrations from adjudged cases of the Principles of the law of Scotland. ; Vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1838  (159)

The institutes of the law of Scotland. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1722  (197)

Some doubts & questions, in the law; especially of Scotland. : As also, some decisions of the lords of council and session: to which is added, an index, for finding the principal matters in the said decisions.. Edinburgh, 1698  (198)

An institute of the law of Scotland, in four books. : In the order of Sir George Mackenzie's Institutions of that law.. Edinburgh, 1805  (199)

A manual of the law of Scotland, : civil, municipal, criminal, and ecclesiastical; with a practical commentary on the mercantile law, and on the powers and duties of justices of the peace and other magistrates.. Edinburgh, 1839  (221)

(2)ローマ法及びローマ法文 (貴重書1冊 一般図書15冊:143-149,185-187,232-234,238-239)

Corpus juris civilis. Amstelodami, 1700  (195)

(3)法理学 (一般図書2冊:171-172)

(4)憲法及び憲法史 (一般図書1冊:242)

(5)法務総裁 (一般図書3冊:181-182,214)

(6)治安判事の職務・権能・管轄 (貴重書6冊)

Treatise on the offices of justice of peace; constable; commissioner of supply; and commissioner under comprehending acts, in Scotland; with occasional observations upon other municipal jurisdictions. : To which are added, appendixes, containing some of the statutes, forms of proceedings, and writs referred to in the work. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1815  (153)

Treatise on the offices of justice of peace; constable; commissioner of supply; and commissioner under comprehending acts, in Scotland; with occasional observations upon other municipal jurisdictions. : To which are added, appendixes, containing some of the statutes, forms of proceedings, and writs referred to in the work. ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1815  (154)

Treatise on the offices of justice of peace; constable; commissioner of supply; and commissioner under comprehending acts, in Scotland; with occasional observations upon other municipal jurisdictions. : To which are added, appendixes, containing some of the statutes, forms of proceedings, and writs referred to in the work. ; Vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1815  (155)

Treatise on the offices of justice of peace; constable; commissioner of supply; and commissioner under comprehending acts, in Scotland; with occasional observations upon other municipal jurisdictions. : To which are added, appendixes, containing some of the statutes, forms of proceedings, and writs referred to in the work. ; Vol. 4. Edinburgh, 1815  (156)

The office, powers, and jurisdiction, of His Majesty's justices of the peace, and commissioners of supply, for Scotland. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1794  (175)

The office, powers, and jurisdiction, of His Majesty's justices of the peace, and commissioners of supply, for Scotland. ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1794  (176)

(7)司法手続 (貴重書3冊)

Judicial proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty, and Supreme Consistorial or Commissary Court, of Scotland : also before the sheriff, bailie, dean of guild, justice of peace, and baron, courts.. Edinburgh, 1779  (191)

The form of process, before the court of justiciary in Scotland.. Edinburgh, 1752  (192)

The form of process before the court of justiciary in Scotland; : containing the constitution of the sovereign criminal court, and the way and manner of their procedure: together with an account of the circuit courts, the way and manner of giving up dittays, and judicial proceedings thereto relating.. Edinburgh, 1732  (204)

(8)証書・文書・令状 (貴重書3冊 一般図書1冊:196)

Treatise on the deeds and forms used in the constitution, transmission, and extinction of feudal rights.. Edinburgh, 1838  (193)

A compend or abbreviat of the most important ordinary securities of, and concerning rights personal and real, redeemable and irredeemable: of common use in Scotland. : Containing above an hundred different securities. Collected from the stiles of several writers to the signet, and others deceased. With the symbols and solemnities required by law and custom, for perfecting and making valid these rights and writs. Edinburgh, 1709  (203)

An introduction to the knowledge of the stile of writs, simple and compound, made use of in Scotland : containing directions for drawing securities, in cases which most commonly occur; with examples, according to the best modern practice.. Edinburgh, 1727  (205)

(9)民事訴訟法 (一般図書1冊:243)

(10)証拠法 (貴重書1冊 一般図書2冊:209,223)

An essay on the principles of evidence, and their application to subjects of judicial inquiry.. Edinburgh, 1820  (224)

(11)刑事法及び刑事裁判 (貴重書5冊 一般図書3冊:216,219,207)

A summary of the powers and duties of juries in criminal trials in Scotland.. Edinburgh, 1833  (215)

The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal. : Wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations doth agree with, and supply ours.. Edinburgh, 1699  (173)

Principles of the criminal law of Scotland.. [Edinburgh], 1832  (179)

Practice of the criminal law of Scotland.. [Edinburgh], 1833  (180)

Criminal trials, : illustrative of the tale entitled ""The heart of Mid-Lothian,"" published from the original record : with a prefatory notice, including some particulars of the life of Captain John Porteous. Edinburgh, 1818  (206)

(12)警察機構 (一般図書1冊:227)

(13)家事関係 (貴重書2冊)

A treatise on the law of Scotland, as applicable to the personal and domestic relations; : comprising husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, master and servant, and master and apprentice. ; Vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1846  (163)

A treatise on the law of Scotland, as applicable to the personal and domestic relations; : comprising husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, master and servant, and master and apprentice. ; Vol. 2. Edinburgh, 1846  (164)

(14)夫婦関係 (一般図書2冊)

(15)身分関係訴訟 (貴重書1冊)

The law, practice and styles peculiar to the consistorial actions transferred to the Court of Session, by act 1, Gul. IV. c. 69.. Edinburgh, 1830  (218)

(16)相続法 (一般図書2冊:235,245)

(17)所有権 (貴重書1冊)

Practical observations upon divers titles of the law of Scotland, commonly called Hope's Minor practicks.. Edinburgh, 1734  (201)


(19)損害賠償 (一般図書1冊:217)

(20)債務法 (貴重書1冊)

Notes on the law and practice, relative to applications against debtors as in meditatione fugae.. Edinburgh, 1832  (222)

(21)契約法 (一般図書1冊:229)

(22)パートナーシップ及びジョイント・ストック・カンパニ (一般図書2冊:169-170)

(23)狩猟法 (一般図書1冊:226)

(24) (貴重書2冊)

The trial of James Stuart, Esq. younger of Dunearn, before the high court of justiciary, at Edinburgh, on Monday, June 10. 1822. : Taken in short hand. With an appendix of documents. Edinburgh, 1822  (213)

S. Pufendorfii De officio hominis & civis juxta legem naturalem libri duo.. Londini, 1748  (210)


1 英国議会法令集

Anno regni Gulielmi et Mariae, Regis & Reginae Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, secundo[, tertio & quarto]. London, 1690-1691  (246)

Anno regni Gulielmi et Mariae, Regis & Reginae Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, quarto & quinto. London, 1692  (247)

Anno regni Annae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, [quinto,] sexto. London, [1706?]-1708  (248)

Anno regni Annae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, septimo[, octavo]. London, 1709-1711  (249)

Anno regni Annae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, nono[, decimo]. London, 1711-[1712?]  (250)

Anno regni Annae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, duodecimo. London, 1713-[1714]  (251)

Anno regni Annae Reginae Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, duodecimo. London, 1714  (252)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, primo. London, 1715-1716  (253)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, quinto. London, 1719  (254)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, sexto. London, 1720  (255)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, nono. London, 1723  (256)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo. London, 1723-1724  (257)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, undecimo. London, 1725  (258)

Anno regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, duodecimo. London, 1726  (259)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, [primo,] secundo. London, [1728?-1729  (260)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, [tertio,] quarto[, quinto, sexto]. London, [1730?-1733?]  (261)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, septimo[, octavo]. London, 1734-[1735?]  (262)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, nono. London, 1736  (263)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo. London, 1736-1737  (264)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, undecimo. London, 1737-1738  (265)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo tertio. London, 1740  (266)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo quarto. London, 1740  (267)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo quarto. London, 1740-1741  (268)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo nono. London, 1745-1746  (269)

Anno regni Georgii II. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, vicesimo sexto. London, 1753  (270)

Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, [sexto,] septimo[, decimo, duodecimo]. London, [1766?-1772?]  (271)

[Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo quinto]. [London, 1775?]  (272)

[Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo sexto]. [London, 1776?]  (273)

[Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, decimo nono, vicesimo secundo]. [London, 1779?-1782?]  (274)

[Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, vicesimo tertio]. [London, 1783?]  (275)

[Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, quadragesimo secundo, quadragesimo septimo]. London, 1802-1807  (276)

Anno decimo Georgii IV. Regis/Anno primo & secundo [& tertio] Gulielmi IV. Regis. London, 1831-1834  (277)

Anno tertio & quarto [& quinto & sexto] Gulielmi IV. Regis. London, 1833-1835  (278)

Anno primo & secundo Victoriae Reginae. London, 1837-1838  (279)

Anno decimo quinto & decimo sexto Victoriae Reginae, [etc.]. London, 1868-1879  (280)

2 研究書

 (貴重書1冊 一般図書8冊:183-184,228,230-231,236-237,240)
""The book!"" or, The proceedings and correspondence upon the subject of the inquiry into the conduct of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, under a commission appointed by the King in the year 1806. : Faithfully copied from authentic documents. To which is prefixed, a narrative of the recent events that have led to the publication of the original documents. With a statement of facts relative to the child, now under the protection of Her Royal Highness. London, 1813  (208)

3 判例集

 (一般図書12冊,参考図書2冊:Law reports)



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Last updated: 2008/08/27