『遊牧と定住の人類学 : ケニア・レンディーレ社会の持続と変容』孫暁剛著.昭和堂 , 2012.3【分類389.454-So41】
“This book is an ethnography on the Rendille nomadic pastoralists of Kenya. I have undertaken fieldwork in the semi-desert area of northern Kenya over an extended period covering 28 months in total. Although this place is located in the most remote area of Kenya, the livelihood of local pastoralists has been strongly affected by outside influences. As the title of this book indicates, people survive using a combination of nomadic pastoralism and sedentarization. For the past 30 years development policies and projects implemented by both local government and international agencies have dramatically changed the traditional pastoral life of the Rendille. However, the Rendille continue to live with their animals because they believe nomadic pastoralism is the only subsistence strategy that can cope with various natural hazards in an arid environment.
I hope this book will further understanding of the way of life of nomadic pastoralists.”
(from the “Preface” of this book)