学位論文: 神経科学
- DA06560-2012 Gene expression of secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) in motor-related areas of the central nervous system : relationship with finger dexterity / 山本竜也
- DA06559-2012 Visual stimulus-related activity during conditional associations in perirhinal cortex neurons represents upcoming reward outcome / [Kaoru Ohyama]/大山薫
- DA06558-2012 Dorsal raphe neurons in monkey code schedule and reward information / 稲葉清規
- DA06557-2012 Role of estrogen receptor α in the regulation of male-type social behavior in mice / Kazuhiro Sano
- DB02589-2011 Morphological study of ontogenetic development of glutamatergic neurons in the main olfactory bulb / 大桃秀樹
- DA06186-2011 Comparison of the choice effect and the distance effect in a number-comparison task by fMRI / 緒方洋輔
- DA06185-2011 Differential encoding of factors influencing predicted reward value in monkey rostral anterior cingulate cortex / 兎田幸司
- DA05790-2010 Effects of early life stress on the development of social behavior in mice / by Mumeko C. Tsuda
- DB02470-2009 新規タキキニンNK[1]受容体拮抗薬T-2328の抗嘔吐作用に関する生理薬理学的研究 / 渡邉裕美 [著] 【電子化】
- DA05177-2009 Learning signals from the superior colliculus for adaptation of saccadic eye movements in monkey / [Yuki Kaku]/角友起
- DA05075-2008 Molecular and genetic analyses of the synapse formation and maintenance based on the cell-cell interaction at synapses / [Yamashita Masahiro]
- DA05074-2008 Hormonal regulation of prolactin cell development in the fetal pituitary gland of the mouse / [Ogasawara Kiyomoto]
- DA05073-2008 バイオロジカルモーション知覚における情報処理特性の検討 / 池田華子 [著]
- DA04749-2007 Three-dimensional reconstruction using transmission electron microscopy reveals a swollen, bell-shaped structure of transient receptor potential melastatin type 2 cation channel / [Maruyama Yusuke]/丸山雄介
- DA04748-2007 The ontogenic expressions of multiple vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT) during postnatal development of rat pineal gland / [Yoshida Sachine]/吉田さちね
- DA04747-2007 Developmental changes in the expression of growth-associated protein-43 mRNA in the monkey thalamus : northern blot and in situ hybridization studies / [Murata Yumi]/村田弓
- DA04746-2007 視床下部-下垂体神経内分泌機構における副腎皮質調節系と摂食調節系の機能相関に関する実験形態学的研究 / 今野仁子 [著]
- DA04745-2007 Cajal-Retzius cells and subplate neurons differentially express vesicular glutamate transporters 1 and 2 during development of mouse cortex / [Ina Ayuka]/伊奈 鮎香
- DA04387-2006 Studies on migration and nucleogenesis of precerebellar neurons and functional roles of neurotrophins / [Okada Takuya]/岡田拓也
- DA04386-2006 Runx1 selectively regulates cell fate specification and axonal projections of dorsal root ganglion neurons / [Yoshikawa Masaaki]/吉川雅朗
- DA04385-2006 Signal neuronal responses in monkey anterior insular cortex during performing multi-trail reward schedules / [Mizuhiki Takashi]/水挽貴至
- DA04153-2006 Particular subpopulations of midbrain and hypothalamic dopamine neurons express vesicular glutamate transporter 2 in the rat brain / [Kawano Michihiro]/川野道宏
- DA04052-2005 Facilitation of saccadic adaptation by the memory of previous learning / Yoshiko Kojima 【電子化】
- DA04051-2005 Reticulospinal neurons inactivated by warming of the preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus of rabbits / Tadachika Koganezawa