学位論文: 物理学
- DA05627-2010 Nucleon strange quark content from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry / Kohei Takeda
- DA05626-2010 A variational study on charmonium properties at finite temperature in lattice QCD / Hiroshi Ohno
- DA05270-2009 Nuclear magnetic resonance studies for the triangular lattice systems Li[1-x]Vo[2] and Na[x]CoO[2]・[y]H[2]O / Kenjiro Takao
- DA05269-2009 Ultraviolet radiation transfer in dusty primordial galaxies / Hidenobu Yajima
- DA04908-2008 The study on spectral energy distribution of massive circumstellar disks using radiative transfer calculations / Rogel Mari Dionisio Sese
- DA04566-2007 D-branes in OSp invariant closed string field theory / Yutaka Baba 【電子化】
- DA04565-2007 Formation and dynamical evolution of globular cluster / Kenji Hasegawa
- DA04232-2006 A study of the cosmic reionization by three-dimensional radiative transfer calculations : evolution of ionizing radiation and nature of sources / Kumiko Hiroi
- DA03903-2005 Study of radial particle transport induced by fluctuations using a gold neutral beam probe / Atsushi Kojima
- DA03902-2005 Nonperturbative studies of lattice gauge theories on non-commutative space / Yoshiaki Susaki
- DA03901-2005 Neutron electric dipole moment from lattice QCD / Eigo Shintani
- DA03385-2003 Penrose limits and θ-expansion of the Green-Schwarz action / Takeshi Mogami 【電子化】
- DA03117-2002 A study of protostars with spectral modeling based on the two-dimensional radiativer transfer calculations / Takeshi Nakazato 【電子化】
- DA02574-2000 Crystal structures and magnetic properties of the two-dimensional spin-1/2 system MV[n]O[2n+1] / Noriaki Nishiguchi
- DA02573-2000 Disordered systems with chiral symmetry / Kazutaka Takahashi
- DA02572-2000 Study of pellet fueling in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror / Eiichirou Kawamori
- DA02306-1999 Optimized perturbation theory at finite temperature / Suenori Chiku 【電子化】
- DA02215-1999 Nuclear structures in [182,183]Re and K-forbiddenness in A ~ 180 nuclei / Nami Saitoh
- DA01962-1998 The φ-meson mass shift in medium using effective lagrangians / Hitoshi Kuwabara
- DA01852-1997 Deuteron Elastic Scattering and (d,p) reactions on [138]Ba and [208]Pb at E[d]=22MeV and j-dependence of T[20] in (d,p) reaction / Katsuya Hirota
- DA01674-1996 Deuteron production in Au+Au collisions at 11.7 AGeV/c / Arata Kumagai 【電子化】
- DA01500-1995 Aging effect of directed polymer in random media / Hajime Yoshino
- DA01499-1995 Monte Carlo study on phase transition of Ising spin glasses / Koji Hukushima
- DA01498-1995 Phase structure of lattice QCD with the Wilson quark action / Toshiaki Uemura
- DA01497-1995 Microwave reflectometry of density and magnetic field fluctuations / Leonid G. Bruskin
- DB01028-1994 Measurement of the cross section for production of two isolated prompt photons in 1.8-TeV proton-antiproton collisions / Mikio Takano
- DA01359-1994 Signature inversion of [124]La and [128]La / Takehito Hayakawa 【電子化】
- DA01358-1994 Ion energy containment of ICRF-heated plasmas in the GAMMA10 central cell / Mamoru Shoji 【電子化】
- DA01303-1994 Top-quark search in the dilepton channel in 1.8-TeV proton-antiproton collisions / Takeshi Chikamatsu 【電子化】
- DA01226-1993 The effects of thermal barrier potentials on electron confinement in GAMMA 10 / by Eiichi Takahashi
- DA01225-1993 Lattice QCD study of weak matrix elements with Kogut-Susskind quark action / by Yoshihisa Shizawa
- DA01224-1993 Representation theory of non-compact quantum group Uq(su(1,1)) / Takaho Matsuzaki
- DA00980-1991 Study of potential formation by electron cyclotron resonance heating based on end loss electron diagnostics on GAMMA 10 / by Kazuaki Kurihara