学位論文: 生物資源工学
- DA06498-2012 Evaluation of microbial hazards in foods in Thailand and recommendation of food hygienic measures / Chiraporn Anachaipattana
- DA06312-2012 韓国の公的灌漑管理システムの分析 / 申文浩 [著]
- DA06279-2012 Comparative study on beneficial functions of resveratrol and its dimer ε-viniferin in the vasculature / Nahla Zghonda
- DA06124-2011 ビール醸造工程における回収酵母スラリーの工学特性の解明と攪拌システムの改良 / 川村公人 [著]
- DA05920-2011 Study on atheroprotective effects of hydroxytyrosol : relevance of the antioxidant/detoxifying defense system / Houda Zrelli
- DA04848-2008 Studies of the root development of tef (Eragrostis tef) under drought / Hewan Demissie Degu
- DA04847-2008 Genomic studies of the rice blast resistance genes, Pik‐h and Pikahei‐1(t) / Xin Xu
- DA04691-2007 Studies on diversification and identification of quantitative trait loci of root plumpness in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) / Ning Wang
- DA04690-2007 非木材繊維の化学成分的特徴とクラフト蒸解性 / 金光范 [著]
- DA04324-2006 Map-based cloning of a six-rowed spike gene vrs1 in barley / Mohammad Pourkheirandish
- DA04323-2006 Effect of drying conditions and final moisture content on aromatic rice properties and its application / Jafar Hashemi
- DA04322-2006 Application of electorlyzed water in quality control of fresh-cut vegetables and rapid quality evaluation by near infrared spectroscopy / Phunsiri Suthiluk
- DA04321-2006 Pork quality evaluation and rapid determination using near infrared spectroscopy / Yaohua Hu
- DA04012-2005 Studies on Abiotic-stress tolerances of transgenic potato with DREB1A gene driven by the stress-inducible rd29A promoter / Babak Behnam
- DA04011-2005 Studies on the expression of genes during early root development in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) / Antonio Garcia Lalusin
- DA03737-2004 Development of near infrared (NIR) measuring system for single kernels of grains and its application to rice quality evaluation / Ronnarit Rittiron
- DA03736-2004 オカラタンパク質による生分解性プラスチックフィルムの試作 / 李紅 [著]
- DA03735-2004 飼料・家畜ふん中のフィチン酸の生分解に関する研究 / 郝桂玲 [著] 【電子化】
- DA03734-2004 天然物由来の毛周期制御物質に関する研究 / 鶴田明稚 [著]
- DA03554-2004 Functional analysis of ADAM1 in mammalian fertilization / Ekyune KIM
- DA03257-2002 人工構造物上のサンゴ群集の成長過程における各種環境因子の影響とその評価に関する研究 / 山本秀一 [著] 【電子化】
- DB01813-2001 Membrane processing of vegetable oil / Subramanian Rangaswamy
- DB01791-2001 Studies on new functions of yogurt starters / Masaki Terahara
- DB01768-2001 Studies on endo-alginate lyases and their applications / Toshio Takeuchi 【電子化】
- DB01767-2001 Removal of hazardous chemicals from wastewater by Enzyme / Shinji Wada