Registering Repository Contents

Registering Repository Contents

Please submit your file by e-mail or upload.
The library will add metadata (bibliographic data) to the content you submited, and send it out to the public.

For details, please see the following.

E-mail address to which files should be sent (replace "#@#" with "@")

  • Attachments should be no larger than approximately 3 MB in size. For larger files, please use the file upload function.

Uploading a file via a web browser

  • If you wish to upload multiple files, please store them in a compressed (zip) folder and upload it as a single file.

Send a file (* is required)
お名前 / Name *
所属 / Affiliation *
メールアドレス / E-mail *
電話番号 / Phone
内容 / Type of Content *
送信ファイル / File to upload
コメント / Comment:


The registration form

If you do not have any electronic file of the contents, please download and fill out this registration form and submit it to the library (Division of Academic Information Planning, Repository Management Section).


Regulations related to the repository


Thank you very much for your cooperation to Tulips-R.