[8/22 9:00 Added] The work has been completed and EJ/DB Remote Access is now available. 002 users became available to request loan/copy etc. from remote access. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Due to the correction of a problem with EJ/DB Remote Access (Problem displeyed Not Found when requesting loan/copy etc. from remote access), some services will be suspended as follows.
Period of suspension
- EJ/DB Remote Access (EZproxy) Service (Tulips Warp): Several times for several minutes on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 7:30-8:30 am
- Library Authentication System (for 002/004 users): Same as above
Suspension of EJ/DB Remote Access
During this time, e-journals, e-books, databases, etc. subscribed to by the University will not be available from off-campus. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please come to the university and use the following methods.
- Access from devices connected to the university network (including wireless LAN)
* Not available with Academic Computing & Communications Center's VPN service - Access from PCs in the library
Some databases that support GakuNin can be used by logging in with Unified Authentication even during maintenance. Entrance page and how to use are shown at the bottom of EJ/DB Remote Access (Tulips Warp) page, "When you cannot access Tulips Warp…".
Suspension of the library authentication system (for 002/004 users)
The library authentication system (selected by the light blue button) used to log in for those whose ID on their user ID card starts with 002 or 004 (Emeritus Professors, some researchers, University of Tsukuba Associates, and Library Card for Visitor holders) will be stopped.
If you are unable to use the system, please access after a time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding.