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学位論文: 経営工学
- DA03015-2002 Mathematical analysis of an optimal hostage rescue problem / Fengbo Shi
- DA02764-2001 An economic-environmental input-output model and its application to regional economic-environmental impact analysis : a case study in heilongjiang province of China / Xu Li
- DA02498-2000 Researches on risk assessment and management of hazardous water pollutants : case studies in Tianjin, China / Hongbin Cao 【電子化】
- DA02496-2000 Three essays on target costing : customer-oriented product development and role of product designers / by Mahfuzul Hoque
- DA02495-2000 The effect of firm-specific advantages and entry strategy on performance in Japanese foreign investments : evidences from four ASEAN countries / by Pimonwan Siripaisalpipat
- DA02441-2000 Empirical studies on firm size, R&D and performance : evidence from Japanese and Thai firms / by Paiboon Archarungroj
- DA02240-1999 Studies on empirical properties of Japanese stock price changes / by Wen Tseng Chu
- DA02239-1999 New applications of algebraic curves / Satoshi Shinohara 【電子化】
- DA02238-1999 Studies on behavioral issues in target cost determination and allocation processes / by Mahmuda Akter 【電子化】
- DA02237-1999 マルチメディア情報通信網の性能評価に関する研究 / 工藤誠也 [著] 【電子化】
- DA02236-1999 Studies on bicriterion sequencing for just-in-time mixed-model assembly lines / by Walid Zeramdini
- DA01999-1998 Optimal stopping problems with reservation / Tsuyoshi Saito 【電子化】
- DA01998-1998 Algorithms for convex programming and global optimization / Xiaojun Liu
- DB01379-1997 わが国の短期金利の特性とそれに基づく短期金利派生証券の価格付けについて / 米村浩 [著]
- DB01378-1997 海上交通法規のシステム化 : 計量法律学的および政策法学的接近 / 松本宏之 [著]
- DA01787-1997 Studies on sequence scheduling for Just-in-time Mixed-model assembly lines / by Henry Osadolor Aigbedo
- DA01786-1997 Optimal stopping problems with offers value deterioration / by Byung-Kook Kang
- DA01785-1997 Dynamic selling problem with pricing policy and its application to airline seat inventory control problems / by Peng-Sheng You
- DA01784-1997 Mutually M-intersecting varieties and combinatorial arrays / by Nobuko Miyamoto 【電子化】
- DA01625-1996 Long term return reversals in the Tokyo stock exchange : an examination of overreaction hypothesis / by P.S.M. Gunaratne
- DA01624-1996 A unified meta modelling approach / by Michael Björn
- DA01623-1996 Sequential allocation problems with shoot-look-shoot policy / by Masahiro Sato
- DA01605-1996 Schema diagram with engineering precision / Hui Yao
- DB01170-1995 Three essays on the application of no arbitrage pricing / by Hideki Iwaki
- DA01458-1995 Combinatorial optimization related to posets and signed posets / by Toshio Nemoto 【電子化】
- DA01457-1995 An object-oriented view-driven approach for information system design / by HyeonKon Kim
- DA01456-1995 Bisubmodular polyhedra and bidirected graphs / Kazutoshi Ando 【電子化】
- DB01056-1994 会計的業績管理モデルに関する研究 / 浜田和樹 [著] 【電子化】
- DA01322-1994 Algorithms for network flow problems with matroidal and submodular constraints / by Xiaodong Zhang
- DB00925-1993 Interior point algorithms for large-scale optimization problems and their applicaitons to portfolio selections / Hitoshi Takehara 【電子化】
- DA01187-1993 Studies in combinatoral optimization related to submodular and bisubmodular functions / by Takeshi Naitoh
- DB00726-1991 Path following algorithms for stationary point problems on polyhedral sets / by Yang Dai