Soundproof Booth (Web Meeting Booth) Installed at Otsuka Library

A web meeting booth, a soundproof space for one person, was installed near the counter of Otsuka Library.
We encourage you to utilize these booths for activities such as online classes, web meetings, and research interviews.
Reservations can be made from My Library one week prior to the desired date.

Terms of Use for Web Meeting Booth

  • Eligible users: People affiliated with the University of Tsukuba
  • Usage limitations: up to two hours, once a day

Please refer to Booking Seminar Rooms/Study Cubicles/Talkable Booth.

Web Meeting Booth

Relevant Information: 
Installation of Talkable Booths at Chuo and Otsuka Libraries (Chuo: from Nov. 6; Otsuka: from Nov. 27)
Soundproof Booths (Seminar Room E, Talkable Booth 1) Installed in the Central Library
