Access only from on-campus.
Members of University of Tsukuba can use the Remote Access Service.
- Access from on-campus
- Access from off-campus (Remote Access)
In April 2024, CAS Formulus, CAS Analytical Methods, and ChemZent became available in addition to CAS SciFinder(CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform for Academics).
- CAS Formulus and CAS Analytical Methods's username・password is same as CAS SciFinder.
- CAS Formulus and CAS Analytical Methods can also be switched by using the three-point reader (CAS Product Switcher) in the upper left corner after logging into CAS SciFinder.
- ChemZent can be accessed from the CAS SciFinder Bibliography.
Access Registeration
You must obtain a username and password before using this service.
Please check the access registration manual in advance and register by clicking the button below.
The registered email address must be the university domain address( . Free mail etc. cannot be used.
Access registration manual(PDF(in Japanese))
※You can check and change registration information from Customer Portal.
- Material type: Journal Articles, Patents
- Available on: Campus
- Language: English
- Full text: Partially available
- Number of concurrent accesses: Unlimited
【CAS SciFinder】
A research discovery application that provides unlimited access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of references, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences.
[Sources] Patents and articles published such as in journals from around the world, conference proceedings, technical reports, books, etc.
[Available databases]
- Chemistry article information (CAPlus files):From 1808 ~
- Chemical substance information (REGISTRY files):Substance information appearing in materials published in and after 1907
- Organic chemical reaction information (CASREACT files):Reaction information appearing in materials published in and after 1840
- Commercial chemical product catalog information (CHEMCATS files)
- Information on regulated chemicals (CHEMLIST files)
- Medical article information (MEDLINE files):From 1949 ~
【CAS Formulus】
The service delivers the world's largest collection of formulations from journals, patents, and product inserts, and includes detailed supplier specifications and regulatory resources.
【CAS Analytical Methods】
The world's largest single source of published analytical methods.
An electronic archive of Chemisches Zentralblatt(1830-1969), the world's oldest German-language chemistry abstract journal.
Usage Precausions/ Notices
About multiple ID acquisition
Only one CAS SciFinder ID can be obtained per user.
If your e-mail address changes due to going on to graduate school, please change your registered e-mail address by referring to the materials below. (in Japanese)
About deleting user ID
As one of the measures to prevent unauthorized use of CAS SciFinder user ID, accounts that have not been used for a long time will be frozen.
CAS will send a confirmation email in advance to the user to be deleted.
If you wish to continue using CAS SciFinder, click the link in the email delivered by CAS by the specified date and it will be excluded from the deletion target.
Important notes about the use agreement
The maximum number of records that can be downloaded at 1 time is 100.
According to the contract, a total of 5,000 records can be downloaded. (When the 5,000 record limit is exceeded, it will not be possible to perform any more downloads.) (Ref: CAS Information Use Policies)
This database can only be used for the purposes of “study and research at University of Tsukuba.” It is not available for use for research by other agencies, or for profit-making purposes.