
Members of University of Tsukuba can use the Remote Access Service.

Note :
・CSDL conference proceedings are only available on the CSDL platform.
・Periodicals are available on the CSDL platform and IEEE Xplore.


  • Material type: Journal articles
  • Available on: Campus
  • Language: English
  • Full text: Partially available
  • Number of concurrent accesses: Unlimited

Materials published by IEEE Computer Society (Periodicals on computer science and computer engineering, Conference proceedings) are available.
Title-lists are available on publisher's website:

Usage Precausions/ Notices

  • Systematic Downloading of Electronic Resources are strictly prohibited.
  • User may not reproduce data on articles in any type of media, including electronic media, nor transmit data on articles by e-mail or other means.
  • User may not use the Service as a source of language analysis, nor run an automatic crawling of information through the Service.

If any of the "Prohibited Activities" are discovered, the entire university may be blocked from accessing the site.
If access is blocked, it may cause a great deal of trouble for all users on campus. Please keep the above in mind when using the database.