House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP)


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  • Material type: Parliamentary Documents
  • Available on: Campus
  • Language: English
  • Full text: Available
  • Number of concurrent accesses: Unlimited

This is a database of the digitized official publications of the British Parliament, offering a primary source that is indispensable for the study of the politics, economy, and society of modern Britain and the surrounding countries.
In addition to images of the original pages, it is also possible to view accompanying maps, charts, illustrations, statistics, etc.

18c House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

Contains full records of the parliamentary documents from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to the Palace of Westminster fire in 1834. In addition to the House of Commons Papers, the records include the House of Lords Papers, and documents that are not offered in the 19c/20c House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (Debate records, Journals).

19c/20c House of Commons Parliamentary Papers

Contains the following documents submitted in the House of Commons from 1801 through 2004.

  • House of Commons Papers
  • Command Papers
  • Bills
  • Reports of Committees
  • Reports of Commissioners
  • Accounts and Papers

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