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学位論文: 数学
- DB02602-2012 On a braid monoid analogue of a theorem of Tits / Takeo Fukushi 【電子化】
- DA06377-2012 Derived equivalences and invariants / Hirotaka Koga
- DA06328-2012 Inverse scattering theory for discrete Schrödinger operators on the hexagonal lattice and related topics / Kazunori Ando
- DA06000-2011 A study of types and definable sets in first order structures / Kota Takeuchi
- DA05999-2011 Universal central extensions and schur multipliers derived from loop groups SL[2](F[X,X[-1]]) / Yasutomo Asai
- DA05623-2010 A study on generic structures, existentially closed models, and random bijections / Yuki Anbbo
- DA05256-2009 Computer algebra on lattices / Yasutaka Ookura
- DA05191-2009 Comparison geometry of ancient solutions to the Ricci flow / Takumi Yokota 【電子化】
- DA04557-2007 Topological manifolds modeled on infinite-dimensional spaces / Kotaro Mine
- DA04224-2006 General linear groups over certain completed quantum tori / Hideyuki Sakaguchi
- DA03895-2005 Analogies between circular functions and lemniscate functions from a viewpoint of number theory / Takuma Ogawa
- DA03642-2004 On some properties of the second plurigenera of normal surface singularities / Koukichi Wada
- DA03376-2003 A reduction theory of representations associated with finite type quivers / Makoto Nagura
- DA03285-2003 CM-triviality and Hrushovski's generic construction / Ikuo Yoneda
- DA03109-2002 Vertex operator algebra with two τ-involutions generating S[3] / Shinya Sakuma 【電子化】
- DA02561-2000 Area-minimizing cones over the canonical embedding of symmetric R-spaces / Takahiro Kanno
- DB01500-1998 Approximate algebra and its Application to control system designs / Takuya Kitamoto
- DA02057-1998 Conformal flatness and self-duality of circle bundle metrics / Takafumi Satou
- DB01388-1997 Variational problems on compact Riemannian homogeneous spaces / Osamu Ikawa 【電子化】
- DA01842-1997 Normal form theorems for derivations in PA and AI[-][ξ] / Kazuma Ikeda
- DA01841-1997 Approximate power series roots and their applications / Kosuke Shiihara
- DA01840-1997 On Finite Dimensional Hopf Algebras and quantum groups / Satoshi Suzuki
- DB01239-1996 On spacelike submanifolds in pseudo-riemannian space forms / Reiko Aiyama
- DB01067-1994 Geometry of total curvature and tits metric of noncompact Riemannian manifolds / Fumiko Ohtsuka 【電子化】
- DB01008-1994 On infinitely divisible probability distributions and related differential and integral equations / Katsuo Takano
- DA01352-1994 Contributions to statistical inference / Michikazu Sato
- DA01351-1994 On a reduction-procedure for full first order classical natural deduction / Andou, Yuuki 【電子化】
- DA01217-1993 Function spaces and hyperspaces in ANR-theory for stratifiable spaces / Bao-Lin Guo
- DA01216-1993 Supercompactness and normal supercompactness / Zhongqiang Yang
- DA01215-1993 Contributions to the additive theory of numbers / Koichi Kawada 【電子化】
- DA01214-1993 On minimal models / Koichiro Ikeda 【電子化】
- DB00841-1992 Faithful flatness, freeness and cleftness of Hopf algebras / by Akira Masuoka
- DB00803-1992 Topological properties of free topological groups / Kohzo Yamada 【電子化】
- DA01098-1992 On normal filters on P[kappa][lambda] / by Masahiro Shioya 【電子化】
- DA01097-1992 Boundary value problems for elliptic differential operators of second order / Kenichiro Umezu